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2016-10-17 · For a lot of students, an internship start with the question ”What is a Learning Agreement for Traineeships (called also Training Agreement)?” And here is the answer: ”A Training Agreement (TA) is a document, that defines and proves a … 2021-2-22 · : this person is responsible for signing the Learning Agreement, amending it if needed, supervising the trainee during the traineeship and signing the Traineeship Certificate. The name and email of the Supervisor must be filled in only in case it differs from that of the Contact person mentioned at the top of the document. 2019-10-31 · Learning Agreement form 3 4/2018 Higher Education Student’s name: Anne Example Matrikelnr. 123456 Studiengang an der U Trier M.Ed.Gym English Table B1: Group of educational components in the student's degree that would normally be completed at the sending institution and which will be replaced by the Information on Erasmus+ mobility programmes and guides participants through their mobility process via a series of online tools Erasmus blog Umea: One of the paperworks that it is necessary to do is the learning agreement, although it depends on the university of 2020-5-18 · Learning Agreement form Student’s name Academic Year 20 /20 Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies Student . Last Sending and Receiving Institutions undertake to apply all the principles of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education relating to mobility for studies (or the principles agreed in the Inter-Institutional A greement for 2021-4-16 · Learning Agreement for Traineeships. Learning Agreement for Traineeships must be signed by your training supervisor from the host institution and the Erasmus Coordinator from your faculty/institute.
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Ett Learning Agreement innehåller uppgifter om vad du ska studera under tiden du är utomlands. Kontakta din akademiska koordinator som hjälper dig att upprätta en studieplan för tiden utomlands, dvs vad du ska göra utomlands och hur det ska tillgodoräknas inom ditt program efter hemkomst. din Learning agreement på baggrund af din forhåndsgodkendelse. Når din Learning agreement er udfyldt og underskrevet af alle 3 parter sender du et scan til erasmus@au.dk. Du skal indsende din Learning agreement senest 14 dage efter studiestart på værtsuniversitetet.
Learning Agreement for Traineeships must be signed by your training supervisor from the host institution and the Erasmus Coordinator from your faculty/institute. The mobility programme includes the expected duties and tasks of the student. 2020-10-14 · The Learning Agreement has 2 different sections, to be used in 2 different moments of your Erasmus mobility: 1 LA Before the mobility As the name says, you should use this section BEFORE the beginning of your Erasmus.
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1990 — Googla universitets namn +. Erasmus code. Från/till månad och år du kommer att vara på utbytet. Format för erasmuskod: landskod + stad + Erasmus+ ger dig som student vid KI möjlighet att under din utbildning studera en period vid ett Eramus + Learning Agreement 2020/2021 (Word, 72.42 KB). 5 apr.
The apprenticeship agreement should include all the learning gains that the student must obtain during the exchange. You, your sending and receiving higher education institutions must sign a Learning Agreement for Studies to ensure a transparent and efficient preparation of the exchange abroad, as well as to agree on how activities successfully completed abroad will be recognised. This document sets out rights and responsibilities of the various parties
The Learning Agreement is the most important but often troublesome document for exchange students. OLA 3.0 is now digital with the #OnlineLearningAgreement.
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Exempel på Learning Agreement. Erasmus code - lista. Sidansvarig: international@ffk.liu.se Senast uppdaterad: Mon Dec 10 10:54:03 CET 2018 2016-10-17 · For a lot of students, an internship start with the question ”What is a Learning Agreement for Traineeships (called also Training Agreement)?” And here is the answer: ”A Training Agreement (TA) is a document, that defines and proves a relationship between you, your university and company, in which you would like to have the internship.” Learning agreement for exchange studies The Student Last name: First name: Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy): Gender: Nationality: Phone: Email: The Sending Institution Country: Finland Name: Åbo Akademi University Erasmus Institutional Coordinator: Harriet Klåvus, harriet.klavus@abo.fi Erasmus code: SF TURKU02 Annex II KA102 VET Learning agreement – 2016 ERASMUS + LEARNING AGREEMENT FOR VET MOBILITY I. DETAILS ON THE PARTICIPANT Name of the participant: Field of vocational education: 104: Transport Services Sending institution (name, address): Lund University School of Aviation, Drottningv.
your exchange studies in Europe within the frame of the Erasmus+ programme.
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Guidelines on how to use the Learning Agreement for Studies
Sex [M/F]. Academic year. 20../20.. Study cycle3. □ 1st (semester 1- 6). □ 2nd (semester 7 – 10).
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Follow the instructions on the form carefully and the instructions to the right of this page. The apprenticeship agreement should include all the learning gains that the student must obtain during the exchange.
Last / First Name(s) of Student: First Name(s) of Student: 2021-4-18 · The Learning Agreement is a basic document that, along with the Transcript of Records, ensures recognition of the period of studies abroad by the home institution. It is basically a formal contract collaboratively developed by three parties – the student, … 2021-4-16 · You do not need to submit your Erasmus+ learning agreement when applying for admission. However, your home institution will most probably require that we sign your agreement. At the University of Copenhagen, the learning agreement must be signed at the department or faculty in charge of the Erasmus+ agreement you were nominated within. Piano di Studio e Learning Agreement Il Coordinatore Disciplinare Erasmus dovrà essere contattato dallo studente/ssa Erasmus immediatamente dopo l’iscrizione per la definizione del piano di studio, la firma del Learning Agreement, informazioni relative ai corsi, corsi in inglese e al ricevimento docenti. 2019-9-5 · the Erasmus without Paper project, the Online Learning Agreement and the Erasmus + App technologies on the Erasmus + mobility.