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av J Gädda · 2019 — Corporate Social Responsibility och dess fyra olika baser; ekonomiska, rättsliga, etiska av Carroll 1991 i figuren av en pyramid. Även ifall den  Carroll, A. B. (1991). The pyramid of corporate social responsibility: Toward the moral management of organizational stakeholders. Business Horizons, 34(4),  Carroll (1991) har utifrån dessa fyra typer av ansvar skapat en CSR-pyramid, se Figur , för att förklara det totala sociala ansvaret som företag kan ta.

The pyramid of corporate social responsibility carroll 1991

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A. B. Carroll's (1991) four CSR dimensions: economic, ethical, legal, and philan-. thropic. The pyramid of corporate social responsibility: Toward the moral. Sida 6 3.2 The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility… vinst är det som skapar grunden för de övre nivåerna av ansvarstagande (Carroll, 1991, 40–41).

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In this article, the author traces the evolution of the CSR construct beginning in the 1950s, which marks the modern era of CSR. Definitions expanded during the 1960s and proliferated during the 1970s. According to Carroll (1979), Corporate Social Responsibility should be approached in three ways: Organizational responsiveness, the different categories of CSR and social concerns of the organization. Carroll defines the concept of CSR as a set of obligations vis-à-vis society.

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34, issue 4, 39-48 Date: 1991 References: Add references at CitEc Citations: View citations in EconPapers (729) Track citations by RSS feed.

The pyramid of corporate social responsibility carroll 1991

Business Horizons, 1991, vol.
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The pyramid of corporate social responsibility carroll 1991

Carroll, Archie W. (1991, July).

CSR, in the form that we see today, became popular after it was defined by Archie Carroll’s “Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility” in 1991. Its simplicity, yet ability to describe the idea of CSR with four areas, has made the pyramid one of the most accepted corporate theories of CSR since.
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The pyramid of corporate social responsibility: Toward the moral management of organizational stakeholders. Business Horizons, 34(4), ss. 30 nov.


Business Horizons, 34, 39-48. In his 1991 article The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility, Dr. Archie B. Carroll, a business management author and professor at the University of Georgia, outlined the four areas he believed were essential in a company’s corporate social responsibility.

much later on. Archie Carroll's “Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility” was devised incorporating four different types Source: Carroll, A.B. (1991). 11 Jun 2020 Presented first in 1979 and again in 1991, Carroll identified four dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility that are truly impactful in  1 day ago Carroll (1991) organized different corporate social responsibilities as a four layered pyramid model and called it the pyramid of responsibilities.